Dear friends!
There is a request to help one church in Ukraine, especially for large families with small children. You are all aware of the current situation, where many power stations have been damaged as a result of rocket attacks. Many people were left without electricity and the ability to heat their homes. The situation for many families is critical. At the same time, the brothers ask for help with the purchase of electrical generators or buy them at a cheaper price either in Latvia or England and send them to their destination. In Ukraine, generators are almost either sold out or are significantly more expensive.
If you have the opportunity to buy and ship them yourself, it would make the task easier. At the moment, there is a need to send twenty generators. If you have a desire in your heart to help, you can either transfer funds through my website with the indication ‘Generators for Ukraine’, or contact my father-in-law Igor Kishchuk personally, who can purchase them locally in Latvia or England. His phone number is +371 20003226. He can be found through both WhatsApp and Viber.
God bless you!
Max Volkov in Christ